Relational Finance Check-up
Relational Finance Check-up
Let’s be real, most everyone has had their financial situation change one way or another over the past several years. For most it has thrown us for a loop, and oftentimes couples may find they are not on the same page any longer or even know they aren’t on the same page. Over and over again couples come into my therapy office and speak to their financial differences and how it REALLY impacts their relationship. So why not start the new year right. Get to know yourself and your partner’s understanding of money, deepen your relationship to financial abundance, and learn to talk about finances in a way that catapults you forward in your financial wellness.
This is a group class with a minimum registration of 4 couples, and will cap at 10 couples. This class will be every Monday starting Jan 9th. This will be offered via zoom, so it doesn’t matter where in Washington state you are located. Don’t worry! I won’t ask you to disclose specifics of your financial situation to the entire group (although you are welcome to if it is helpful) this class is more about a better understanding of money. I am happy to work further with specific situations individuals, just ask!
Class cost – $250 per couple for 4 weeks!
Please fill out the form below to setup up your registration.